
31 July, 2009

Wall Brown

Still hanging on in the brick pits. A second brood male Wall Brown nectaring on Knapweed.

18 July, 2009

King's Wood, Heath & Reach: 18/07/2009

As the weather for the next day looked foul, another visit to King's wood was in order. The highlights were three Purple Emperor, but fewer Silver-washed Fritillary. Purple Hairstreak numbers had increased, as did Painted Lady - most of the latter were fresh individuals. A single, fresh Brown Argus was my first for a while. A Southern Hawker stopped by to nibble on its prey.

Painted Lady

Purple Hairstreak

Brown Argus

Purple Emperor

Sothern Hawker

12 July, 2009

Houghton Regis chalk pit - 12/07/09

There were at least thirty-eight Chalkhill Blue seen on a three hour amble around the pit.

Chalkhill Blue

Chalkhill Blue

Just a few Marbled White were on the wing.

Marbled White

A buddleia had a fair selection of lepidoptera including a Painted Lady and this Hummingbird Hawkmoth - a record shot only, unfortunately.

Hummingbird Hawkmoth

Surveying butterflies in an area that has no records since 1996 (SP9322) produced twelve species. There were plenty of whites including this Small White.

Small White

10 July, 2009

King's Wood, Heath & Reach: 10/07/09

There were four male and two female Silver-washed Fritillary in King's Wood, Heath & Reach today.

Silver-washed Fritillary