A warm day at this great site. Just a few chalkhill Blue on the wing, and some pristine Brimstone too.
Chalkhill Blue
Marbled White
This leviathon hoverfly Volucella zonaria is up to 20mm in length. It is a Hornet mimic whose larvae scavenge in wasp nests !
Cinnabar moth larvae feeding on Ragwort. This moth has been introduced to some countries in an attempt to control Ragwort because of its voracious appetite for this plant.
Chalkhill Blue
Marbled White
This leviathon hoverfly Volucella zonaria is up to 20mm in length. It is a Hornet mimic whose larvae scavenge in wasp nests !
Cinnabar moth larvae feeding on Ragwort. This moth has been introduced to some countries in an attempt to control Ragwort because of its voracious appetite for this plant.