The Spring heatwave continues with the daytime temperature peaking at 24 C. I took my first sojourn in to King's Wood, Heath & Reach and a number of butterflies were active, including a
Holly Blue on a Holly bush. There was at least one Large White, a few Orange Tip, a Red Admiral and five Speckled Wood.
Bluebells seem to carpet the woodland floor while overhead a pair of Common Buzzard displayed around the nest tree. A drumming Great-spotted Woodpecker revealed its presence in the canopy and a Treecreeper flitted from tree to tree. Very pleasant!
Garden moth trapping last night revealed:
- Argyrotaenia ljungiana - 2
- Twenty-plume Moth (Alucita hexadactyla) - 1
- Garden Carpet (Xanthorhoe fluctuata) - 1
- Brindled Pug (Eupithecia abbreviata) - 2
- Oak-tree Pug (Eupithecia dodoneata) - 2
- Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac) - 1
- Shuttle-shaped Dart (Agrotis puta) - 1
- Common Quaker (Orthosia cerasi) - 2
- Clouded Drab (Orthosia incerta) - 1
- Hebrew Character (Orthosia gothica) - 2
Holly Blue |
Bluebells |
There were many hundreds of
Green Longhorn Adela reaumurella dancing in the sunlight only occasionally resting - this one close to a crab spider...
Green Longhorn Adela reaumurella |
2003 Pebble Prominent |