
Showing posts with label Nut-tree Tussock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nut-tree Tussock. Show all posts

27 April, 2011

Garden Moths 26/04/11

Last nights 'highlights' were Heart and Dart, and another Nut-tree Tussock. A distant Tawny Owl could be heard calling.

2425 Nut-tree Tussock

2089 Heart and Dart

25 April, 2011

Large Red Damselfly & Nut-tree Tussock

Two new insects for the garden - 2425 Nut-tree Tussock (this was the ONLY moth in the trap last night!) and today, a Large Red Damselfly landed on the berberis.

2425 Nut-tree Tusscok

Large Red Damselfly